Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Airhead+Being Nikki by Meg Cabot

Okay, first let me warn you I'm not done with Being Nikki yet, but I love it so much I just HAVE to write a review about it.

So, there's this girl, Emerson (also known as Em) Watts. She has an annoying little sister who is "like, totally in the in crowd(also known as  the walking dead)". She's in love with her best friend, Christopher, who sees Em as nothing but a person to play JourneyQuest with and to scoff at the walking dead. Until she dies.

I know what you're thinking!!! I read way too many books in which the main character dies. Oh well. Too bad for you.

Some funny quotes from "Being Nikki":

I mean, what girl wouldn't want a guy to go on a wild computer-hacking rampage against a majorly environmentally irresponsible corporation, just for her?

It would have been obvious to anyone looking at me as I staggered into school Monday morning just before the late bell rang, a cup of tea clutched in one hand and my Marc Jacobs tote full of overdue assignments and my MacBook Air in the other, that I hadn't had a good weekend. I know I looked particularly heinous. I'd tossed and turned all night, unable to sleep not just because Lulu Collins was hogging my Frette sheets and duvet, but because the guy I was hopelessly in love with? Yeah, well, he was in love too. With a dead girl.

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Tuesday, March 5, 2013

More to it than it seems...

Is anybody wondering what I was talking about in the "I've noticed this lately" post? Please wonder. I'm getting bored without an audience. Well, for those of you who are (Boy #74: Which is nobody because nobody cares about you Julia. Just go sit in the corner and cry.(And yes, someone has actually said that to me. I don't really mind; in fact we're good friends.)) interested I'm writing a fan fiction. It's a continuation of the Gregor the Overlander series. I'll send you a link if you've read the series. Just comment. (Boy #74: I TOLD YOU TO GO SIT IN THE CORNER AND CRY!)