Tuesday, March 5, 2013

More to it than it seems...

Is anybody wondering what I was talking about in the "I've noticed this lately" post? Please wonder. I'm getting bored without an audience. Well, for those of you who are (Boy #74: Which is nobody because nobody cares about you Julia. Just go sit in the corner and cry.(And yes, someone has actually said that to me. I don't really mind; in fact we're good friends.)) interested I'm writing a fan fiction. It's a continuation of the Gregor the Overlander series. I'll send you a link if you've read the series. Just comment. (Boy #74: I TOLD YOU TO GO SIT IN THE CORNER AND CRY!)


  1. How would one go about subscribing to this blog?

  2. I just added a "Subscribe to this blog" link in the top right hand corner. Thanks for subscribing!
